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Remarkable DIY table markers

My husband and I recently celebrated our first anniversary, prompting me to reminisce by looking through our wedding day photographs. Among the wonderful pictures of family and friends and perfect moments, I was also reminded of  how much DIY effort went into the event. The months leading up to our wedding were a whirlwind of finalizing details, so it was so nice to look back and see how it all came together. One of my favorite DIY projects were our table markers.

Table Markers

I chose to make two different styles of table markers to complement my centerpieces which varied in height. The three traits I wanted the markers to share were 1) easily visible numbers, 2) shimmer in candlelight and 3) inexpensive to make.

The shorter markers started out as plain wooden birds with wire feet that I found on clearance at Michael’s. My wedding colors were predominately navy and coral with accents of white and silver, so I started by painting the birds navy.  From there, I painted table numbers onto both sides of the bird in a bright coral. Lastly, to make sure they made an impact in candlelight, I used glitter glue  and navy super-fine glitter along the backs of the birds so they would shimmer.

bird table numbers with logo

The taller table markers were even easier and less expensive to make, if you take into account that you’re going to drink wine anyway. The first step is deciding which wine bottles to use. I opted for white wine to allow light to shine through the bottle and bought two varieties with different colored tops, one silver and one coral. Once I got the bottles home, I soaked them in water to remove the labels and used Goo Gone to get rid of  any remaining stickiness. Then I designed the labels and printed them on adhesive label sheets, a favorite product of mine.

table numbers with wine bottles with logo

I loved our wedding for so many reasons; getting to add personal touches to each part of it is definitely one of them.

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. Beautiful collection of inspiration photos – happy to be part. 🙂 Thanks!

    August 18, 2013

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